1. Ede, O. and Okafor, G., 2022. The Impact of Kidnapping on Foreign Ownership of Firms in Nigeria. Thunderbird International Business Review, DOI: 10.1002/tie.22328
2. Zhang, Q., Wang, Z., and Okafor, G., 2022. Understanding China’s Economic Engagement in Africa: An Exploration of the FDI-Trade Nexus. Sustainability, 14(23), 1-19
3. Webster, A.,Okafor, G., and Barrow, C., 2022. Foreign Ownership and Firm Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa. Transnational Corporations Review, 14(4), 418-437
4. Okafor, G., andCalderon C., 2022. Empirical Evidence of the Relationship between Terrorism and Firm Financial Performance in Nigeria. International Journal of Emerging Markets, DOI: 10.1108/IJOEM-04-2021-0639
5. Okafor, G., andPiesse, J., 2022. The Relationship between Sexual Violence and Girl-Child Primary School Education in Developing Countries. Journal of Developing Areas, 56(2), 185-195
6. Okafor, G., and Chikalipah, S., 2021. Estimating the Effect of Terrorism on Agricultural Production in Nigeria. African Development Review, 33(4), 703-714
7. Olagboye, D. O., Obembe, D., and Okafor, G., 2021. Enterprise Survival and Growth: A Conceptual Exposition of Entrepreneurial Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Kolade, S., Rae, D., Obembe, D., Woldesenbet, B. K., (Eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of African Entrepreneurship, London: Palgrave Macmillan
8. Okafor G., and Ede, O., 2021. Kidnapping Rate and Capital Flight: Evidence from Developing Countries. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2021, 1-17
9. Okafor, G., Ede, O., Chijoke-Mgbame, M., Ohalehi, P., and Chijoke, C., 2021. Ownership Structure, Corruption, and Capital Investment: Evidence from Selected Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Thunderbird International Business Review, 63(4), 403-420
10. Owusu-Agyei, S., Okafor, G., Chikoke-Mgbame, M., Ohalehi, P., and Fakhrul, H., 2020. Internet Penetration and Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 161, 1-13
11. Tauringana, V., Ishmael T., Okafor, G., and Widin Bongasu Sha’ven, 2020. Terrorism and Global Business Performance. Internal Journal of Finance and Economics, 26(4), 5636-5658
12. Ishmael T., Okafor, G., Tauringana, V., and Zalata, A., 2019. Terrorism and Country-Level Global Business Failure. Journal of Business Research, 98, 430-440
13. Chikalipah, S., and Okafor, G., 2019. Dynamic Linkage Between Economic Growth and Human Development: Time Series Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of International Development, 31(1), 22–38
14. Joseph‐Richard, P., Jessop, T., Okafor, G., Almpanis, T. and Price, D., 2018. Big Brother or Harbinger of Best Practice: Can Lecture Capture Actually Improve Teaching? British Educational Research Journal, 44(3), 377-392
15. Okafor G., and Piesse, J., 2018. Empirical Investigation into the Determinants of Terrorism: Evidence from Fragile States.Defence and Peace Economics, 29(6), 697-711
16. Okafor, G., Piesse, J. and Webster, A., 2017. FDI Determinants in Least Recipient Regions: The Case of Sub‐Saharan Africa and MENA.African Development Review, 29(4), 589-600
17. Okafor, G., 2017. The Determinants of Firm Performance and Bribery: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria. International Economic Journal, 31(4), 647–669
18. Okafor, G., and Webster, A., 2016. FDI in Transition Economies of Europe and the Former Soviet Union. In: Holscher, J., and Tomann, H., ed. Palgrave Dictionary of Emerging Markets and Transition Economies. Palgrave Macmillan
19. Okafor, G., 2015. Locational Determinants of US Outward FDI into Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Developing Areas, 49(1), 187-205
20. Okafor, G., 2015. The Impact of Political Instability on the Economic Growth of ECOWAS Member Countries.Defence and Peace Economics, 28(2), 208-229
21. Okafor, G., Piesse, J., and Webster, A., 2015. The Motives for Inward FDI into Sub-Saharan Africa Countries. Journal of Policy Modelling, 37(5), 875-890
22. Okafor, G., 2015. Impact of Financial Sector Development on Economic Growth of Nigeria. Africagrowth Agenda, 12(3), 4-9