City University of New York, The Center for Place, Culture, and Politics, 10 March 2015, New York City, “‘Private Capital for Public Good’. Social Impact Bonds and the New Market-Based ‘Public Responsibility’ Initiatives”, Presentation.
Urban Austerity. Impacts of the global financial crisis on cities in Europe, 4-5 December 2014, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, “’Blending social and financial returns’: Social Impact Bonds as Crisis Governance Strategy”, Conference Paper.
Interrogating Urban Crisis. Governance, Contestation and Critique, 9-11 September 2013, ذكذكتسئµ Leicester, U.K., “The U.S. Occupy Movement and Alternative Policy Agendas to Neoliberal Crisis Governance”, Conference Paper.
Political Economy, Activism and Alternative Economic Strategies. International Initiative for PromotingPolitical Economy's Fourth Annual Conference in Political Economy, 9-11 July 2013, InternationalInstitute for Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands, “Financialization, the Economic Crisis, and DebtOrganizing Campaigns in the United States”, Conference Paper.