Food micro Conference
- Laird K, & Phillips, C. Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2010:Inhibition of legionellae in water by citrus essential oils and components.
- Fisher, K. & Phillips, C. Italy September 2006: The effect of citrus essential oils and vapours and their components on the survival of foodborne pathogenic bacteria in vitro and in food systems.
House of Commons, Set for Britain
- Fisher, K. & Phillips, C. March 2007: Citrus essential oils: a potential bactericide in both the clinical and food arenas.
American Society of Microbiology Conference
- Tarrant, J. Jenkins, P. & Laird, K. How clean are your Hospital Beds?, American Society of Microbiology General Meeting, peer reviewed abstract (New Orleans), May 2015. Awarded outstanding poster.
- New Orleans, June 2017
Ø Owen, L., White, A. and Laird, K. (2017) Bioautography-Guided Identification of Antimicrobial Essential Oil Components of Oregano, Cumin and Rosewood against Antibiotic Sensitive and Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecium, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [poster]. ASM Microbe 2017,
Ø Anita Ogbechie, Amos Abioye, Jinsong Shen, Katie Laird (2017), Antimicrobial Activity of Litsea, Lemon and Rosemary Essential Oils and Their Combinations Against Healthcare and Sportswear Infection-Related Pathogens
Ø S.E. Walsh, B. Pankhania, S. Price, K. Laird, L. Smith, K. Huddersman (2017), Preventing Infections using ذكذكتسئµ’s Novel Catalyst Technology [poster]. ASM Microbe 2017
Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
- London, Nov 2018
- Ø Owen, L. and Laird, K. (2018) Investigation of synergistic antibiotic-essential oil component combinations as a means to preserve the current antibiotic repertoire in Enterococcus sp. [poster] Society for Applied Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Meeting 2018, November 2018, London.
- Alhareth, Z, Owen, L, Dixon, J, McKechine, K, Smith, L and Laird, K. (2018) The mechanism of antibacterial action of Essential Oils against Enterococcus faecium: the role of transport channels, [poster] Society for Applied Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance Meeting 2018, November 2018, London.
Ø Anita Ogbechie, Amos Abioye, Jinsong Shen, Katie Laird; Novel green antimicrobial textile coatings for use in the healthcare and sport arenas
Ø Tejpal, J. & Laird, K., Comparison of the antibacterial effect of silver and zinc oxide in solution and on coated surfaces on biofilms (2nd prize, student poster competition)
Ø Owen, L. & Laird, K. Developing a topical preparation containing a synergistic antimicrobial combination of essential oils for the control of acne vulgaris-associated bacteria.
- Tarrant, J. & Laird, K. Brighton, July 2014: Clostridium difficile spores and healthcare laundry policy: How clean is your hospital bed?
- SfAM Early Career Scientist Research Symposium – March 2021,
- Owen, L., Shivkumar, M. and Laird, K. (2021) Persistence of human coronaviruses on textiles during laundering. March 23rd 2021 [online poster presentation].
- Crosby, S., Younie, S., and Laird, K. (2021). Evaluating the effectiveness of A Germ’s Journey interactive health-education resources and interventions to improve young children’s understanding of microorganisms and handwashing skills globally, March 2021, [online poster presentation].
- Shivkumar, M., Adkin, P., Owen, L., Patel, J., Shantharami, U., Goodyear, L. and Laird, K. (2022) Stability of human coronavirus OC43 on leather and viral transfer to different surface. SfAM ECS Symposium, Cardiff, 20th June 2022.
- Tejpal, J. & Laird, K. Edinburgh, July 2012: Reproducibility of a Static and a Continuous Flow Method for the Formation of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms &Bacterial contamination of healthcare uniforms and survival on different textile fibre types.
- Tarrant, J. & Laird, K. Dublin, July 2011: Assessment of methods for recovery of Clostridium difficile spores from textiles.
- Fisher, K. & Phillips, C. Belfast, July 2008: The use of ozonated water to inhibit pathogenic bacteria.
- Fisher, K. & Phillips, C. Cardiff, June 2007: The use of citrus essential oils against Enterococcus faecium and E. faecalis.
Society of General Microbiology Conference
- Fisher, K. & Phillips C., Harrogate March 2009: The use of an antimicrobial citrus vapour to reduce Enterococcus sp. on lettuce and cucumber.
- Laird, K. & Phillips, C. Cape Town, South Africa, August 2010: The effect of an essential oil vapour on the growth of Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger and Alternaria alternate in vitro and on food." (oral presentation)
Textile Institute World Conference
- Riley, K., Laird, K. & Williams, J. Shah Alam, Malyasia, May 2012:How closely do hospital staff follow NHS guidelines on domestic laundering procedures? (oral presentation).
Australian Society for Microbiology
- Riley, K., Laird, K. & Williams, J. Melbourne, July 2014: Can fibre type have a role in the reduction of microorganism survival on healthcare uniforms?
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
- Rivers, P., Laird, K. and Ali M (Brighton, September 2014: Perceptions of antibiotic use and microbial resistance - a pilot study to test the potential of a fictitious vignette to assess lay beliefs and attitudes (oral presentation)
Euroscicon - Antibiotic alternatives for the new millennium
Ø Laird, K. A Citrus Essential Oil Vapour: An Alternative to Chemical Disinfectants (oral presentation).
Ø Tejpal, J. & Laird, K. Comparison of the antibacterial effect of silver and zinc oxide in solution
and on coated surfaces (poster)
Ø Owen, L. and Laird, K., An Investigation of the Double and Triple Synergistic Antimicrobial Interactions Between Litsea, Rosewood and Clove Essential Oils Against Acne-Associated Bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis (poster).
Phytochemical Society of Europe
- Lille, France 2017
- Ø Owen, Lucy, Grootveld, Martin, Arroo, Randolph, Ruiz-Rodado, Victor,Price, Penny and Laird, Katie, (2017) Antimicrobial activity of ternary essential oil mixtures in topical cosmetic preparations against acne vulgaris-associated bacteria. Phytochemical Society of Europe Young Scientists' Meeting.
- Ø Anita Ogbechie, Amos Abioye, Jinsong Shen, Katie Laird (2017), Antimicrobial activity of Litsea cubeba, Rosmarinus officinalis and Citrus lemon essential oils against five skin-infection related pathogens Phytochemical Society of Europe Young Scientists' Meeting.
- Alanod Alshareef, Katie Laird & Richard Cross (2015), Chemical Synthesis of Copper Nanospheres and Nanocubes and Their Antibacterial Activity Against Escherichia coli and Enterococcus sp. Turke
- Alanod Alshareef, Katie Laird & Richard Cross (2017), Shape-dependent antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles on Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecium bacterium, Romania
- Lucy Owen, Katie Laird & Philipee Wilson (2018) Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of Essential Oils as Antimicrobial Agents, Madrid
- Lucy Owen, Joseph P. Webb, Jeffrey Green, Laura J. Smith and Katie Laird (2019) Transcriptional response of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium to a synergistic antibiotic-essential oil combination: A strategy to preserve the current antibiotic repertoire? ECCMID, Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2019.
- Owen, L. and Laird, K. (2020) Dual-Function Antimicrobial Laundry Supplement and Textile Coating for the Decontamination of Healthcare Laundry. ECCMID, Paris, April 2020 [poster]. Abstract only published
- Alhareth, Z., Owen, L., Dixon C.J., Smith, L., and Laird, K. (2020) Gene expression analysis of transport channels in Enterococcus faecium (VRE). ECCMID, Paris, April 2020 [poster]. Abstract Only Published.
- Owen, L., Apps, L., Stanulewicz, N., Hall, A. and Laird, K. (2021) Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of UK healthcare workers towards uniform laundering polices during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 9-12th July 2021, online [poster].
- Adkin O P and Laird K. (2021) The interactions of bacterial contamination with healthcare mattress textiles specifically designed to repel microorganisms. European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 9-12th July 2021, online [poster].
- Alhareth Z., Dixon J., Smith L., Laird K. (2021) Calcium channels: proposed involvement in the antimicrobial effect of a natural product formulation against vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 9-12th July 2021, online [poster].
- Owen, L. and Laird, K. (2022) Evaluation of current healthcare laundry hygiene monitoring methodologies. ECCMID, online, 23-26th April 2022 [poster].
- Owen, L., Shivkumar, M. and Laird, K. (2020) Stability of Model Human Coronaviruses on a Range of Textile Fibre Types. ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease, 23-25th September 2020 [online].
- Owen, L. and Laird, K. (2018) Synergistic essential oil-antibiotic combinations as a strategy to maintain the efficacy of current antibiotics against Enterococcus sp. [poster] British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Antibiotic Resistance and Mechanisms Workshop, November 2018, Birmingham.
- Alhareth, Z, Owen, L, Dixon, J, McKechnie, K, Smith, L and Laird, K. (2018) Is the antimicrobial mechanism of action of essential oils against bacteria associated with channels similar to TRPV1 channels found in mammalian cells? [poster] British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Antibiotic Resistance and Mechanisms Workshop, November 2018, Birmingham.
EU Cost Action (CA16227)
- Marija Grancaric, A, Laird, K, Shen, J and Botteri, L. (2019) Development of sustainable cotton fabrics with natural immortelle essential oil for antimicrobial and mosquito repellent functions. [oral] 1st International Conference on Political Decision Making and Vector-Borne Diseases – Interdisciplinary Research, Complexity and Bio-Mathematics, 4-5 of April 2019, Valença, Portugal
- Laird, K, Shen, J., Soroh, A., Rahim, N., & Grancaric A, (2019) EU COST ACTION (network) project (CA16227) Interdisciplinary Research on Mosquito-combating Textiles and Paints, Scientific Meeting. Microencapsulation of natural essential oils to develop sustainable textiles for antimicrobial and mosquito repellent functionality. Malta, Dec 2019.
Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
- Owen, L., Laird, K, Samarasinghe, S., Weisenburge, S., Koch, E. and Gronier, B. (2019) Menthacarin – a proprietary combination of peppermint and caraway essential oils – exerts selective antimicrobial activity against gastrointestinal bacteria. Sept. 1-5, 2019, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Crosby, S., Laird, K. , and Younie, S. (2019), Creating Resources with Children in India using a co-creation model for Developing Countries to address UN SDG goals. BERA, Global Perspectives: re-imagining education, 20-21st June 2019, Worcester, UK.
- Crosby, S., Laird, K. and Younie, S. (2019) GERMS JOURNEY: co-creation of resources for addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals in education & health in developing countries. BERA, Global Perspectives: re-imagining education, Worcester, UK, 20-21st June 2019
- Grancaric A M, Laird K, Botteri L, Shen J and Laatikainen K, Microencapsulation for Improved Mosquitoes Repellent Efficacy of Cotton Fabrics, ITMC 2019 Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, 13-15 November 2019.
International Council on Education for Teaching
- Crosby, S., Laird, K., and Younie, S. (2021) A Germ’s Journey: co-creation of resources for addressing UN Sustainable Development Goals in education & health in low-and-middle-income countries. International Council on Education for Teaching (ICET) World Assembly Conference, 21-23 June, 2021
European Conference on Health Communication
- Lahiri, I, Crosby, S., Firth, C., Laird, K. and Younie, S. (2021), Lessons learnt from Germ’s Journey- importance of health communications in a post pandemic world, online 4-5 November 2021.
Infection Prevention Society
- Owen, L., Cripwell, L., Hook, J., Shivkumar, M. and Laird. K. (2021) Disinfection of laundry using low temperature validated ozone system, OTEX, against human coronavirus HCoV-OC43. 13th Annual conference Liverpool, 27-29 September 2021