Visiting Erasmus Scholar, Ionian University, May/June 2011.
International Computer Music Conference, August 2011.
Invited talked at University of Edinburgh Music Research Seminar Series, February 2010.
‘Sense, signs and subjectivity: the search for a coherent theoretical account of signification in acousmatic music.’ Keynote lecture, University of Birmingham, Department of Music, Musicology Research Seminar Series & Centre for Composition and Associated Studies, March 2009.
Invited talk at University of East Anglia School of Music Research Seminar Series, February 2009.
'Abstraction, reality and the loudspeaker'. Paper given at Institut für Musikwissenschaft, University of Leipzig, at Electroacoustic Music: Technologies, Aesthetics, and Theories - a Musicological Challenge, September 2007.
'Inscribing Instabilities'. At the invitation of Elektroakustik Musik i Sverige (EMS), Stockholm, February 2007.
'Musical semiotics and electroacoustic music studies’. Electroacoustic Music Studies Network Conference 2006, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, October 2006.
'The Electroacoustic Resource Site (EARS): philosophy, foundation and aspirations'. A century of innovation involving sound and technology: resources, discourse, analytical tools. Conference organised and hosted by IRCAM, Paris, in collaboration with Sorbonne, INA/GRM, the Musée de la musique (Paris), and Electronic Music Foundation, October 2003.