
Journalism BA (Hons) module details

First yearSecond yearThird year



First year

Block 1: Introducing News Reporting

Introduces key reporting skills on multimedia platforms including digital, print and social media, as well as a brief introduction to modules which will be taught later in the three-year programme. 

This is a block delivery module, which runs over seven weeks of teaching time, to include workshops, covering practical journalism topics, with tutorials and revision sessions as required.   

Delivery pattern:
Practical workshop 60 hours
Self-directed study 180 hours
Assessment 40 hours
Tutorials/consolidation 20 hours 

Block 2: Digital News Production Project

This module draws together and deepens the skills and learning studied throughout the programme to produce a final project for the year that itself provides a formative as well as a summative assessment. The emphasis will be on practical journalism in a real-world context that has a significant employability value. 

This is a block delivery module, which runs over seven weeks of teaching time, and will include some timetabled workshop teaching, but will mainly be self-directed study time with support through tutorials.

Delivery pattern:
Workshop 12 hours    
Self-directed study 176 hours    
Tutorials/consolidation 12 hours    
Assessment 100 hours    

Block 3: Video and Audio Journalism

Learn standard news conventions for filming interviews, editing them for clips and features and recording audio interviews and editing them.  

Delivery Pattern:
Lecture: 18 hours
Tutorial: 30 hours
Studio/lab: 60 hours
Self directed study: 130 hours
Assessment: 62 hours

OR you can select to study one route module from the list below: 

  • Film Studies: Disney, Warner Bros and the Film Studio 
  • Media and Communication: Media, Culture and Society
  • Creative Writing: Writers Salon 
  • English Literature: Introduction to Drama: Shakespeare 
  • History: Global Cities 
  • Drama: Shifting Stages

Block 4: Understanding Journalism and Media Law

Develop an understanding of global news debate and the role of journalism in shaping communities, including classic and new theories, as well as gain a working knowledge of media law.

Teaching is expected to take place in a mix of workshops, lectures and active learning exercises  

Delivery Pattern:   
Lecture: 18 hours    
Seminar: 30 hours    
Tutorial: 30 hours    
Workshop: 30 hours    
Self-directed study: 130 hours    
Assessment: 62 hours

Second year

Block 1: Feature Writing and Lifestyle Journalism 

A combined practical and academic module, which aims to develop feature writing skills and page designing abilities while also examining the expanding sector of lifestyle journalism and its cultural importance. 

Teaching methods will include a mix of practical workshops which are complimented by Lectures and active learning seminars  

Lecture/Workshop: 72 hours
Reading: 44 hours
Reflection: 64 hours
Self-directed study: 72 hours
Consolidation: 24 hours
Assessment: 24 hours

Block 2: Beyond News

Moves beyond traditional news reporting to academically study constructive journalism theories. The module also develops a student's writing ability to write interesting first-person opinion columns and reviews.  

Students will be taught in workshops, including practice, lecturing, and seminar work.  

Creative Practice Delivery Pattern: 
Workshops Studio/lab: 60 hours   
Self-directed study & work: 180 hours   
Assessments: 60 hours

Block 3: TV and Radio Journalism

Study the distinctive aspects of TV and radio journalism including script writing, sequencing shots, production conventions, voice reports and features.  

Practical workshops will allow the students to undertake practical work.  

Lecture: 18 hours
Tutorial: 30 hours
Studio/lab: 60 hours
Self-directed study: 130 hours
Assessment: 62 hours

OR continue with the route selected in the first year:   

  • Film Studies: Screen Archives
  • Media and Communication: Public Relations
  • Creative Writing: Story Craft
  • English Literature: Digital Humanities
  • History: Humans and the Natural World
  • Drama: Theatre Revolutions

Block 4: Magazine Journalism

Applies the styles and techniques learned so far to create a magazine containing reviews and opinion pieces, which mirrors real world feature writing work and group work.  

This is a block delivery module, which runs over seven weeks of teaching time, and will include some timetabled workshop teaching, but will mainly be self-directed study time with support through tutorials.

Delivery pattern:
Workshop: 60 hours
Self-directed study: 120 hours
Tutorials/consolidation: 20 hours
Assessment: 100 hours

Third year

Block 1: Journalism Projects 

Teaches the skills to shape a plan for a journalism research (dissertation) or a negotiated practice project (group or individual).  

The module will be taught in workshops of mixed 3 and 2 hours over a week.

Workshop: 60 hours
Reading: 90 hours
Self-directed work: 90 hours
Assessment: 60 hours

Block 2: Students choose one of the following modules:

  • Specialism Journalism

Prepares students for employment in an evolving sector, with an emphasis on methods to find work across various platforms and monetizing journalistic ideas. The module builds on news writing and long-form feature writing skills to significantly strengthen news reporting skills by enhancing focus on digital publishing skills. 

Delivery pattern will be a combination of several two and three-hour workshops per week with tutorials and revision sessions as required.  


  • Podcasting, Photojournalism and Visual Culture 

Introduces the essentials of producing a podcast: the branding, style, hosting opportunities, marketing, and audio production. The module also explores the theories and practices of photojournalism and visual culture to address the key issues of our global contemporary society.   

This is a block delivery module, which runs over seven weeks of teaching time.


Block 3: Students choose one of the following modules:

  • Sports Journalism

Applies news reporting and feature writing abilities to produce real world sports journalism content on multimedia platforms including digital, print and social media. 

This course will be taught entirely in three-hour workshop format in a computer lab. This format will allow for lecture-style delivery by academic staff, student interaction, group work and practical exercises. Guest lectures from sports journalists will also be a vital part of the curriculum. There will also be off site visits to relevant sports venues to speak to staff about media management and how their teams are reported by the media.  

Workshop: 60 hours
Self-directed study: 180 hours
Tutorial/consolidation: 20 hours
Assessment: 40 hours


  • Music, Film and Entertainment Journalism 

Develop an understanding of music, film and entertainment journalism including history and cultural importance to prepare for employment as music, film and entertainment journalists, PRs or promoters. 

This course will be taught entirely in two-hour workshops across the week. There will also be off site visits to relevant music venues to speak to staff about media management and how their venues are reported by the media.  

Workshop: 60 hours
Practical: 20 hours
Self-directed study: 180 hours
Assessment: 40 hours

OR continue with the study route selected in the first and second year:   

  • Film Studies: British Cinema
  • Media and Communication: Gender & TV Fiction
  • Creative Writing: Creative Misbehaviour
  • English Literature: World Englishes
  • History: The World on Display
  • Drama: Performance, Identity and Society

Block 4: Journalism Dissertation OR Negotiated Journalism Project

Become an expert on existing journalism research and conduct original analysis into your topic. 

There are four lectures and beyond that, the dissertation is a self-managed module with tutorial support. Tutorial support is available to help define and guide the development of the project on a regular basis.   

Tutorial 30 hours
Self-directed study 150 hours
Assessment 120 hours