Dance research
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Dance (CIRID) is jointly led by ذكذكتسئµ and industry partner , creating a research centre for Dance in the Midlands that has regional, national and global reach.
Located within ذكذكتسئµ’s Institute for Arts, Design and Performance, CIRID brings together a multidisciplinary team of researchers with an interest in dance to explore its many facets.
A distinctive feature of Dance research at ذكذكتسئµ is that it characteristically offers a range of perspectives and approaches to the exploration of dance. Our work and specialisms in this interdisciplinary centre include research and researchers in dance history and historiography, dance of the African diaspora, dance pedagogy, the practice and theory of radical dance, practice as research, contemporary dance performance and improvisational practice, collaborative practice, dance and music, dance and new media, archives, adaptations, modernism studies, performance research and performance philosophy.
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Dance at ذكذكتسئµ invites applications to the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership. Key contacts for the Centre are listed below.
Dr ’Funmi Adewole
Senior Lecturer Dance
Areas of expertise: Dance as a profession, practice as research, choreography and intentionality, choreographic fusion, the cultural industries in Africa, theorising the dance of Africa and the Diaspora as professional practice, Black British choreographers, African arts at Independence, African modernity, contemporary dance in Africa, interdisciplinary and cross-art practice, storytelling as performance, dance in intercultural and transnational contexts
Sally Doughty
Associate Professor Dance, Reader in Dance and Improvisation
Areas of expertise: Improvisation as performance, practice as research, contemporary choreography, reflective practice, documentation/articulation of the processes and practices of performance making and doing, pedagogic research
Dr Marie Hay
Senior Lecturer Dance
Areas of expertise: Practice research in dance, performance philosophy, dance and voice/speech/text, autobiographical and autoethnographic practices, the exploration of Being/self/identity in performance.
Dr Martin Leach
Senior Lecturer Dance
Areas of expertise: Philosophy and performance, drawing on the ideas of Tadeusz Kantor and F.M. Alexander in the context of Heideggerian and post-Heideggerian philosophy; application of Alexander Technique to performance problems
Lily Kind
Senior Lecturer in Dance
Areas of expertise: Practice as Research, Choreography, Dramaturgy, Improvisation, American History, Black American Dance (Vernacular Jazz, Funk, Hip Hop), 20th Century Africanist Aesthetics, Black Atlantic, Historiography, Popular Dance, Vaudeville, Physical Theatre, Comedy and Satire, Dance Criticism, Dance & Religion, Self-Producing, Arts Economies, Inter & Multidisciplinary Art Practice.
Dr Kerryn Wise
Senior Lecturer in Performing Arts
Areas of expertise: Practice-based Research, Dance/Performance and Technology, 360 Video and Virtual Reality, Embodiment in Immersive Environments, Contemporary and Site-specific Performance, Immersive Dance and Theatre Practices.