
Extreme heat weather warning guidance for students

The Met Office has issued an Extreme heat warning for Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 July. People are advised to limit travel to essential journeys only and for vulnerable groups to take suitable measures to protect themselves and keep cool. Everyone is advised to take extra care to remain hydrated and avoid sitting in direct sunlight. 

Any teaching and examinations scheduled for you will continue to be delivered on campus unless you are otherwise notified.  


Working in hot weather 

With the current high temperatures, students are encouraged to follow government advice on  and to take steps to help remain cooler at work and at home. 

Ways in which you can remain cooler while studying are: 

  • Wear loose, long-sleeved, light covered clothing 

  • Prevent dehydration by drinking cool water frequently in small amounts. 

  • Avoid caffeine or large amounts of sugar 

  • Keep blinds and windows closed during the day 

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and stay in shaded areas when possible. 

If you are outside: 

  • Wear sunscreen when working outside. 

  • Study in shaded areas where possible and when taking rest breaks 

  • Remove personal protective equipment when resting to help heat loss.  

Please keep a look out for any updates on government advice. Here are some useful resources below:  

Posted on Friday 15 July 2022

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